Poisoned In The Home – Black Mold Symptoms And Treatment


Black mold is bad news for your body, and if exposed, you need to get your symptoms treated quickly. Until recently, people generally did not believe that so many common problems were caused by black mold. But, recent research has been looking into the symptoms and treatment of black mold exposure.

The number one treatment is … you guessed it, prevention! I know, if you are suffering from exposure symptoms, it's already too late, but if you make your house a hostile alien environment for that nasty black mold, your symptoms will disappear.

There are toxic and non-toxic varieties of mold. First, let's look at ways to treat your non-toxic mold suffering.

Non-Toxic Mold

The most common black mold symptoms resemble those of a common cold, or what we usually refer to vaguely as "allergies." Since mold trouble is often associated with poor ventilation, one way to treat your stuffy nose and sinus trouble is to simply open the windows and get some fresh air. Then, after you feel better, creep around the house and find the mold and kill it.

You'll often experience these symptoms in certain parts of the house only. Your nose will tell you which part of your house is harboring the mold. If, for example, you get stuffed up when you go into the basement, you know there's a mold problem there.

There is no effective treatment to mold if you do not get rid of it. And, there is no way to get rid of mold unless you get rid of the conditions that cause the mold. Keep your house dry and well-ventilated, and check often the areas where mold is prone to grow.

Toxic Mold

Toxic mold is a different story and it is altogether more serious. Symptoms can be pretty wide-ranging. Doctors have identified at least 50 symptoms associated with black mold. Some of the most common include:

-Cold Or sinus symptoms: runny nose, stuffy nose or headache

-Sore Throat

-Persistent Cough

-Itchy Or red eyes

-Rashes Or hives

-Nausea And fever


-Fatigue Or general malaise

-Memory Or hearing loss


-Shortness Of breath

-Lightheadedness And dizziness

This is a pretty big list, but it's not everything. Some of these are very serious symptoms. With all of them, it's difficult to tell if the cause is mold-related or not. The proper diagnosis is essential for the proper treatment.

If you suspect there may be mold in your house, you should hire a licensed mold inspector to take samples. When you see the doctor, tell them that you believe you may have mold, and this will help them diagnose you.

These symptoms tell you that there is a toxic form of mold in your home, and your doctor may recommend a detox program. Mold spores have gotten into your respiratory system and dispatched mircotoxins throughout your body. That is why you experience such wide-ranging symptoms like memory loss or stomach trouble. To Learn stop toxic black mold from our site.

Aside from removing the cause, there are other treatments available. Your doctor may prescribe antihistimines or other nasal decongestants. These will not remove the allergy, but will provide temporary relief from symptoms. At the very least, they'll help you breath better.

If it is determined that your particular allergy is a form of asthma, your doctor will provide tougher stuff. This may include an inhaler and stronger drugs.

Severe cases may involve immunotherapy. With immunotherapy, a doctor gives you shots of a small quantity of the irritant that is causing your allergic reaction. Following the strict regiment of shots and drugs over time, your body will develop its own immunity to the allergen. Immunotherapy has shown remarkable results in the treatment of asthma and other allergies, but it is used only for particularly severe cases.

Before seeing your doctor, make sure you know in detail what is causing the allergy. You should know how much mold you've been exposed to and where in the house it is. This will help you to answer their questions so they can provide the best treatment possible.


Source by Rich Fuller

Bread Mold


Bread mold is a kind of fungus that is commonly found on bread surfaces. It takes food and nutrients from the bread and causes damage to the surface where it lives. It causes a bad taste to the bread also. But the mold has a place in the industry where it serves as a decomposer that can decompose decayed plants and animals.

Bread mold has a very simple lifecycle. It appears on the bread surface as a wind blown spore. With adequate moisture and nutrients from the bread, this spore sprouts and grows hair like structures on the bread surface. Once the mold attains a particular growth with paint brush like structures, it starts producing fruiting structures. These structures, sometimes called conidia, contain spores that are blown by wind and spreads to other bread surfaces.

Bread mold is found in different types, species, shapes, and colors. Some of the common bread molds are Penicillium, Aspergillus, Rhizopus, Monascus, and Fusarium. Penicillium molds usually appear green and grey in color and Aspergillus mold appears similar to Penicillium to the naked eye. But both are different when examined under a microscopic. In the Aspergillus mold, the fine hairs contain large balloons with spores inside.

If you are interested to see bread mold you can perform a small experiment with bread. You can take a slice of bread and moisten it slightly. Then keep the bread for two or three days in a place where there is no chance of the moisture content drying up. You will see some mold growth on the surfaces.

As the spores of this bread mold are commonly found in the air, bread is easily spoiled. To prevent this growth on bread surfaces, the bread can be baked at a temperature of 400 degrees or preserve the bread with small amounts of chemical. The chemicals used are prop-ionic acid and acetic acid which are safe to be mixed with the bread during the making of the bread.


Source by Josh Riverside

The Importance of Water


Although most people do not think of it as a nutrient, water is the most vital nutrient in your daily diet. Think of it this way. You can go for weeks without food but you can only go for a few days without water. So it's very important. It's even more important when you realize that your body's composition is 60 to 75% water. So roughly two thirds of our body weight is water. You can break them down even better by looking at the composition of different body parts. Your blood is 83% water; your muscles are about 75% water; your bones are about 23% water; and your brain is 74% water.

You can see why it's really necessary to drink enough water. It does not take much dehydration at all to cause problems in your body. You can have as little as 1 or 2% loss of body weight in water and the reaction can be that your energy is sapped and you feel tired.

Not getting enough water can cause other problems such as mild to excessive thirst, fatigue (which we just covered), headaches, dry mouth, muscle weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, and little or no urination. So it's important to make sure that you drink enough water. A lot of people have asked "How much water is enough water?" The basic rule of thumb is to take in about half your body weight converted into fluid ounces. So if a person weighs 200 lbs., They should be drinking 100 fluid ounces of water per day.

About 20% of your daily water intake can come from food. If you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, there's going to be a lot of water in them. This is particularly true in things like watermelon and citrus fruit are almost 100% water when you figure it out by weight. Beverages like milk and juice are primarily water too.

A lot of people ask me "What about beer, wine, coffee, tea, and soft drinks? Can these drinks be figured into your water intake?" unfortunately, these drinks are all diuretics and will actually leach the water out of your system. So water is still your best bet.

Now that I've given you some of the downside of not drinking enough water, here are some of the benefits. Water works in every system of the body.

It aids your digestion; it helps you absorb all your foods; it acts as the transport system for all the nutrients in the bloodstream. Water is necessary for all functions particularly circulation and excretion. For example, you actually blow off water in your breath each time you exhale. Water leaves your system not just to your urine but also through your feces, your sweat, and through respiration. You lose water daily so it's extremely important to keep putting the water back in.

Water helps you to maintain your body temperature; it does this through the process of sweating and by the opening up of the capillaries in the circulatory system allowing the skin surface to have the proper blood flow that helps to regulate the body temperature. One of the biggest things the water does is cleansing. Water helps flush the toxins out of your system. It helps keep your kidneys healthy; helps keep your bladder healthy; it gives you better skin because it helps flush out the waste including dead skin cells.

Drinking enough water gives you a decreased chance of kidney stones or urinary tract infections. It can give you more energy because dehydration is one of the biggest causes of fatigue. Not drinking enough water drops your blood volume which makes the heart work harder and you just get more tired, more quickly.

Another thing the water does is revving up your metabolism. There was a study recently published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism from a research center in Berlin. It showed that people who consume two liters of water a day can burn up to an extra 150 calories per day. I know that does not seem like much but that converts into about 5 lbs. per year of weight loss that you do not even have to worry about because it's being burned off by simply drinking more water.

It was also discovered during the study that when a person drank water their metabolic rate went up within 10 minutes. The researchers think that about 40% of the raised metabolic rate had to do with the fact that the body was warming up the water that the person had drank. That's one good reason to drink water that's cold. Another good reason for drinking cold water is that it enters your system more rapidly than warm water.

Water also help suppress your appetite. It helps keep you feeling more full while it helps the body metabolize stored fat. According to studies, if you decrease your water intake, you can actually cause more fat to be deposited. Likewise, if you increase your water intake, you will decrease your existing fat deposits.

Here's the reason it works that way. Your kidneys can not work properly if you do not give the body of water. When the kidneys do not work properly, some of the load that is usually done by the kidneys gets put off on the liver.

The liver's biggest function is to metabolize the stored fat and to convert that stored fat into usable energy for your body. If the liver has to do some of the kidneys' job, it obviously will not be able to work at full capacity. What ends up happening? The liver can not metabolize as much fat so more fat ends up getting stored in your body. Because water is so vital in metabolizing fat, it's a key factor in losing weight. Weight loss is increased by the revved up metabolism supplied by drinking enough water. With this in mind, an overweight person actually needs to drink more water than a thin person. That's because the more you weigh, the higher your metabolic load is.

Since we know the water does help metabolize the fat and that an overweight person as more fat metabolize, it's easy to see that overweight person needs to drink more water. In fact, they should drink one extra glass of water for every 25 lbs. of extra weight that they're carrying.

Water also helps maintain your muscle tone. Since the muscles are over 75% water, it helps give the muscles the ability to contract, prevents dehydration within the muscles, and prevents the soreness.

It also helps prevent sagging skin. This happens because as water is flushing out the toxins, the shrinking cells are actually buoyed up by the water giving it a clean, healthy cell structure. It does this by clearing out all the toxins in the cells.

Water is a universal solvent; water is a cleanser that we use all the time for cleaning our dishes, cleaning our clothes, and cleaning our cars. It does make sense that we should use it to clean our bodies as well.

During weight loss, if you're working on that, your body will be dumping a whole lot of toxic waste into your system as it burns off the stored fat. You'll need to drink more water to help flush out all those toxins and to prevent you from feeling anything uncomfortable from the detoxification. So water helps get rid of the waste and flushes it out fast.

Speaking of getting rid of waste, water also helps relieve constipation. When the body does not get enough water, the first place it goes to get water is the lower intestines. What happens then is that you become constipated due to lack of water. If the same person drinks enough water, the bowel movements return. Since we are talking about excretions and eliminating waste, a good way to tell if you're drinking enough water is the color of your urine. If it's a dark orangey color or like the color of apple juice, you're not drinking enough water. The color of your urine should be more like lemonade. If your urine is clear like water, that's even better. That way you know that you are fully hydrated.

When you finally get to the point where you are fully hydrated, all of your systems are going to work better. There will not be any fluid retention because your body only retains fluid when it thinks that it is running short on fluid. So when you get enough water, the fluid retention will stop, your stored fat cells will be used as fuel, the liver will be freed up to do the work that it is supposed to be doing, there will not be as much stress placed on your kidneys, your regular thirst will return, and there will not be as much hunger.

Some people have asked about sources of water other than fruits and vegetables. Tap Water is not all that good to drink. A study done by Tufts University on tap water in different parts of United States showed contamination ranging from E. coli to pharmacy drugs. That's not unusual when you think that roughly 80% of all medications that people take is eliminated in their urine or feces. Currently, there are no wastewater treatment facilities that have pharmaceutical screens to filter out and clean the water before sending it back out into the community for use. The biggest concentration of a drug was found to be the cholesterol reducing drugs like Lipitor. The second largest concentration was hormone replacement drugs like Premarin and birth-control pills. So all of these things can be found in your tapwater.

It's best to get your own filters for your home. There are several different types of water filters available including reverse osmosis and charcoal filtering.

Bottled water is another way to go. Try to stay away from plastic bottles because of the plastic can leach into the water over time. Bottled waters will have an expiration date. This is done to reduce the risk of any plastic being in the water if it were stored for a long period of time or in a heated environment. The plastic contains neurotoxins that can attack the nervous system and reproductive system. Try to get your water in glass if possible.

Alkaline water is the best of all for you. It's important that the body be kept at a more alkaline pH because studies have shown that the more acidic a body is, the more prone it is to disease, particularly cancer. Try to keep your body's pH at 7. This can be measured by your urine; it should also have a 7 pH which will be that very clear color that I spoke about earlier. By the way, the pH of water is 7. The majority of people the United States have acidic bodies directly caused by their high consumption of meat and generally poor diets that contain foods that will cause the body to be acidic. For example, soft drinks contain phosphoric acid which will cause the body to become acidic.

To sum it up, drink plenty of water and try to get it in a glass container.


Source by Jerry Ryan

Discrimination Against Women in Churches, Temples and Mosques


Every religion has a discriminatory practice against women. In places like India where the Hindi religion is practiced women are nothing but reproducing instruments similar to cattle. They are so low on the scale of importance that many female children are euthanized at birth. In China, where modern laws apply, female children are still murdered or pregnancies terminated in preference for male children. Social and domestic conditions have made it so.

Muslim, Christian, and Judaism practices are little better. Women are tolerated but must maintain a place of servitude while given only a secondary role in most things. It is only in recent times that women were allowed to even touch the altar in Christian churches for fear of contamination. They still fight a battle to serve God and administer services in the Catholic Church.

Prejudice of this type has a long history and much of it is related to stories of Adam and Eve and the role of women in creating sin. They are considered responsible for man's lust for sex and are, therefore, forced to cover their bodies to prevent their attractive side showing. In the Muslim code this may extend to the Berker in some parts under the Taliban and Sharia law.

This prejudice extends throughout the world and impacts on the systems of finance, business, and even domestic issues where most are forced to take a vow of obedience to their husband.

Anthropology records reveal that women of older times were confined to huts below those occupied by men. In parts of Africa and Asia, for example, giving birth was so degrading for men that mothers were locked in huts or sheds until their baby was born. They had no help, no comforts, and often no food.

In New Guinea in years past girls were locked in cages hung in the kitchen of homes once they reached puberty until husbands were found for them. It was all to do with their periods in most cases as the blood was deemed evil.

In churches women were not allowed to approach the altar for fear they would drip blood on the sacred site. In the Jewish religion women who menstruate must sleep in a separate room to their husband. These are all the prejudices that have carried over in religious tradition and superstitions to discriminate against women today.

There is one more less obvious cause and that is passed down from sun-worship. It was called 'Mary' or 'mother's powerful eye' and when stylised into a female figure men considered they could 'marry' Mary and reign as Father God in heaven. It is this 'faith' that continues to separate the physical wife from the imagined.

By confining women to the back of the church, temple, and mosque they are less likely to be noticed by the Mother God that all religions continue to worship.


Source by Norma Holt

Fast Food Market Forecast – The Subway Example of Strategic Product Positioning


The United States fast food market has seen a healthy rise in growth within the last three years which forecasts can be sustained. The fast food market is forecast to maintain its current growth expectations, with an anticipated Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 2.3% for the five-year period 2005-2010. This is expected to drive the market to a value of $ 57.6 billion by the end of 2010. Drivers of growth include increasing numbers of Americans in the workplace, which reduces the amount of time spent on preparing meals at home. In 2010, the United States fast food market is forecast to have a value of $ 57.6 billion, an increase of 12.1% since 2005.

Forecast Volume

In 2010, the United States fast food market is forecast to have a volume of 37 billion transactions (Figure 1). This represents an increase of 5.3% since 2005. The CAGR of the market volume in the period 2005-2010 is predicted to be 1%.

Success Factors

Success factors for fast food franchisees will include products and marketing targeted to healthier menu selections, brand consistency, low start-up costs, franchisee support, and consumer convenience. Subway ® represents a poignant example of a fast food franchisee ready for success in the future fast food market. Their strategies transcend the fast food market and apply to many other markets and products.
SWOT Analysis

Subway sandwich shops are well positioned to leverage their strengths and address reasonable threats, weaknesses, and opportunities. The table below highlights these Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.


  • Size and number stores and channels
  • Menu reflects demand for fresh, healthy and fast.
  • Use of non-traditional channels.
  • Partnering with the American Heart Association.
  • Worldwide brand recognition.
  • Customizable menu offerings.
  • Low franchisee start up costs.
  • Franchisee training is structured, brief and designed to assure rapid start-up and success.


  • Décor is outdated.
  • Some franchisees are unhappy.
  • Service delivery is inconsistent from store to store.
  • Employee turnover is high.
  • No control over franchise saturation in given market areas.


  • Continue to Grow Global Business.
  • Update décor to encourage more dine-in business.
  • Improve Customer Service Model.
  • Continue to expand channel opportunities to include event wagons.
  • Improve franchisee relations.
  • Experiment with drive-through business.
  • Expand packaged dessert offerings.
  • Continue to revise and refresh menu offerings.
  • Develop more partnerships with movie producers and toy manufacturers to promote new movie releases through children's menu packaging and co-branding opportunities.


  • Franchisee unrest or litigation.
  • Food contamination (spinach).
  • Competition.
  • Interest Costs.
  • Economic downturn.
  • Sabotage.
  • Law Suits.

Competitive Analysis

Subway is not without competitive pressures. Chief competitors include Yum! Brands, McDonalds, Wendy's, and Jack in the Box. Yum! Brands are the world's largest, with 33,000 restaurants in over 100 countries. Four of the company's highly recognizable brands, KFC, Pizza Hut, Long John Silver's and Taco Bell, are global leaders of the Mexican, chicken, pizza, quick-service seafood categories. Yum! has a workforce of 272,000 employees and is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky.

McDonald's Corporation (McDonald's) is the world's largest foodservice retailing chain with 31,000 fast-food restaurants in 119 countries. The company also operates restaurants under the brand names 'The Boston Market' and 'Chipotle Mexican Grill'. McDonalds operates largely in the US and the UK and is headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois employing 447,000 people.

Wendy's International (Wendy's) operates three chains of fast food restaurants: Wendy's (the third largest burger chain in the world), Tim Horton's, and Baja Fresh. Wendy's operates over 9700 restaurants in 20 countries, has been included in Fortune magazine's list of top 500 US companies, is headquartered in Dublin, Ohio, and employs about 57,000 people.

Jack in the Box owns, operates, and franchises Jack in the Box quick-service hamburger restaurants and Qdoba Mexican Grill fast-casual restaurants and is headquartered in San Diego, California.

Target Markets

The increase in sales of the sandwiches has been a result of decreases in consumer interest in hamburgers and fries and increases in demand for healthier options. Sales of sandwiches are growing 15 percent annually, outpacing the 3 percent sales growth rate for burgers and steaks.

Current Marketing Program

A new breed of restaurant is making big gains against the market-saturated hamburger establishments. Termed "fast-casual," these restaurants are dominated by Mexican chains, and sandwich restaurants offering fresh-baked breads and specialty sandwiches.

Responding to evolving consumer expectations for health, fresh, custom-made sandwiches; Subway's marketing program addresses these expectations through a number of approaches. The most notable were the television commercials featuring Jared. These commercials emphasize the healthy aspects of a Subway sandwich by highlighting the 245 pounds Jared lost by eating a Subway sandwich diet. Subway also markets through a national sponsorship in events such as American Heart Association Heart Walks and local events such as triathlons, and children's sports teams.

The Subway example represents marketing and product strategies that are classic examples of focusing on market demand, consumer trends, product leveraging, and innovation. The marketing strategies of creating clear brand recognition, brand and product association, and market demands, have strategically positioned Subway to advance market share into the near future. These marketing strategies are also repeatable fundamental marketing strategies transcending the fast food market. Does your marketing strategy bind brand recognition to products that support your market's future direction?


Source by Michael Mccarty

Curing Diabetes



If you have high abdominal fat and your Blood pressure is slightly elevated, you need to worry even if your BMI is normal because this may be a sign of impending diabetes. Let us understand how the diabetes is developed and further progressed. Understanding how the diabetes is developed and further progressed is the key to cure it, so let us first understand the mechanism of its development. Diabetes is caused by a problem in the way human body makes or uses insulin. Insulin is needed to move blood sugar (glucose) into cells, where it is stored and later used for energy.

Beta cells produce insulin in response to blood glucose. These beta cells produce insulin in precise proportion to the level of glucose in the blood stream. Following a meal, blood sugar levels rise significantly, and the beta cells release a large amount of insulin. This insulin causes body cells to grab the sugar, causing blood sugar to quickly return to its normal range. Once blood sugar is in the normal range, the beta cells reduce the output of insulin to an idling state. In this way, the beta cells adjust their production of insulin on a real time basis, producing just enough insulin to deal with the amount of blood sugar currently in the blood stream.

In type 1 diabetes, the beta cell islets are destroyed. Once the islets are killed, the ability to produce insulin is lost, and the symptoms and consequences of diabetes begin. In type-II diabetes Insulin resistance is the prime cause of diabetes. Insulin is a chemical messenger signalling proteins called GLUT-4 transporters (residing within the cell) to rise up to the cell's membrane, where they can grab on to glucose and take it inside the cell. In patients with insulin resistance, the cells do not get the message that the glucose is available. Cells are unable to hear insulin "knocking" on the door resulting in elevated blood levels of both insulin and glucose

In the early stages of insulin resistance, the pancreas compensates by producing more and more insulin, and so the "knocking" becomes louder and louder. The message is eventually "heard", enabling glucose transportation into the cells, resulting in the eventual normalization of blood glucose levels. This is known as "compensated insulin resistance". The liver helps regulate glucose levels by reducing its secretion of glucose in the presence of insulin. This normal reduction in the liver's glucose production may not occur in people with insulin resistance.

Over time, the stress of excessive insulin production burns out the beta cells unable to keep pace with accelerated output. As a result, glucose levels remain elevated for prolonged periods. This is called "uncompensated insulin resistance" and is the essence of advanced type 2 diabetes.

Gradually, increased insulin resistance and various other factors discussed later diminish the ability of pancreas to produce sufficient insulin and the classification line between type-I and type-II diabetes becomes blurred.

Insulin Resistance

As explained above Insulin resistance (IR) is a physiological condition where the natural hormone insulin, becomes less effective at lowering blood sugars. The resulting increase in blood glucose may raise levels outside the normal range and cause adverse health effects, depending on dietary conditions. Certain cell types such as fat and muscle cells require insulin to absorb glucose. When these cells fail to respond adequately to circulating insulin, blood glucose levels rise.

It is well known that insulin resistance commonly coexists with obesity. However, causal links between insulin resistance, obesity, and dietary factors are complex and controversial

In experiment carried out on rodents, large quantities of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated (omega-6) fats all appear to be contributing to Insulin Resistance to some degree, compared to high-starch food, but saturated fat appears to be the most effective at producing IR. This is partly caused by direct effects of a high-fat diet on blood markers, but, more significantly high-fat diet has the tendency to result in caloric intake far exceeding animals' energy needs, resulting in rapid weight gain. The effect of dietary fat is largely or completely overridden if the high-fat diet is modified to contain nontrivial quantities (in excess of 5-10% of total fat intake) of polyunsaturated. omega-3 fatty acids. This protective effect is most established with regard to the so-called "marine long-chain omega-3 fatty acids", EPA and DHA, found in fish oil; evidence in favor of other omega-3's, in particular, the most common vegetable-based omega-3 fatty acid, ALA is more limited. Some studies find ALA only effective among people with insufficient long-chain omega-3 intake and some studies fail to find any effect at all. ALA can be partially converted into EPA and DHA by the human body, but the conversion rate is thought to be 10% or less, depending on diet and gender, limiting its effectiveness.

Elevated levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the blood stream and tissues have been found to contribute to insulin resistance. Triglyceride levels are correlated with excess body weight, overeating and trans fat intake. They are strongly inversely correlated with omega-3 intake and fat loss again highlighting the importance of omega-3 rich diet and exercise.

Intake of simple sugars, and particularly fructose, is also a factor that contributes to insulin resistance. Fructose is metabolized by the liver into triglycerides, tends to raise their levels in the blood stream. Therefore, it may contribute to insulin resistance through the same mechanisms as the dietary fat. Experiments on rodents suggest that, high levels of fructose and / or sucrose induce insulin resistance similar to that of fats, and, this insulin resistance is ameliorated by fish oil supplementation. A low-fat diet high in simple sugars (but not in complex carbohydrates and starches) stimulates fatty acid synthesis, primarily palmitate, therefore, resulting in the plasma fatty acid pattern that is similar to that produced by a high-saturated-fat diet. However, very little is known about effects of simple sugars in whole fruit and vegetables. Epidemiological studies suggest that their high consumption is associated with somewhat lower risk of insulin resistance.

Another mechanism contributing to Insulin resistance is leptin resistance. An important role of leptin is long-term inhibition of appetite in response to formation of body fat. In some individuals this mechanism is disrupted and their appetite and caloric intake is not reduced despite elevated level of leptin. Once leptin resistance is developed, the individual becomes prone to further overeating, weight gain, and insulin resistance. Experiments on rats suggest that leptinresistance can be triggered by chronic consumption of fructose or consumption of energy-dense, highly palatable food over a period of several days.

Insulin itself leads to a kind of insulin resistance; every time a cell is exposed to insulin, the production of GLUT4 (type four glucose receptors) on the cell's membrane decreases. In the presence of a higher than usual level of insulin (generally caused by insulin resistance), this down-regulation acts as a kind of positive feedback, increasing the need for insulin. Exercise reverses this process in muscle tissue.

Some scholars propose that insulin resistance and obesity are not really metabolic disorders per se, but simply adaptive responses to sustained caloric surplus, intended to protect bodily organs from lipotoxicity (unsafe levels of lipids in the bloodstream and tissues). It has been suggested that exclusion of glucose from lipid-laden cells by developing insulin resistance is a compensatory defence against further accumulation of lipogenic substrate.

Fast food meals are energy-dense, palatable, and cheap, increasing risk of overeating and leptin resistance. They are simultaneously high in dietary fat and fructose, and low in omega-3. These characteristics have independently been linked to insulin resistance.

In most cases, therefore, development of diabetes is nature's way of maintaining energy and mass balance in response to the sustained high Caloric intake (mostly in the form of carb and fat) for many years without expenditure of those calories, resulting in metabolic changes causing insulin resistance and subsequent beta cell destruction in pancreas. Our system begins to adjust to the high calorie diet and low activity level five to seven years before we are ever diagnosed with diabetes. Our body seems to recognise that it is surplus of calories and stored fat and reprograms itself not to absorb the energy from food as efficiently as it used to. Insulin resistance is developed which prohibits the cells to listen to the insulin signal. This results in rising of the blood glucose level due to non-absorption in the cells. Excessive amount of glucose circulation in the blood plasma is called hyperglycaemia.

Main Symptoms when left undiagnosed:

People with hyperglycaemia feel hungry because their cells are unable to absorb the sugar in the blood, and the body reacts as if it needs more food (Polyphagia). All the excess sugar in the blood eventually winds up in the urine, and this acts as a diuretic, as the body tries to bring more water in to dilute the urine. This is why polyuria occurs. Because the hyperglycemic person is producing so much urine, they naturally feel thirsty as their body tries to replace the water resulting in the classical symptom of Polydipsia.

Other Dangers of Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance causes high level of circulatory insulin due to compensatory mechanism, drugs for type-II diabetes or externally administered insulin or simply due to chronic high calorie diet. This may pose several other dangers to the health.


Insulin stimulates cell growth, and unfortunately cancer cells have six to 10 times the number of insulin receptors – molecules that grab on to the hormone – as do normal cells. So if extra hormone hits a pre-existing cancer cell, it makes a bad thing much, much worse. "For cancer, insulin is like pouring gasoline on a fire.

Cardiovascular Disease

High levels of insulin in the blood damage the lining of arteries, increase bad blood fats such as triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, and clump blood cells together so they are more likely to block up vessels

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

High level of insulin causes Polycystic Ovary Syndrome which causes infertility and dramatically raises the risk for heart disease.

In addition to above some studies also link Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases to insulin resistance

Mechanisms of Beta-Celldestruction

Insulin resistance often leads to Beta-Cell destruction through various mechanism listed below. However, some individuals may have limited Beta-Cellmass early in life because of genetic factors predisposing them to diabetes.

Central Obesity is the main risk factor for the development of diabetes. It is often accompanied by an elevation of lipids in the blood (dyslipidemia) and increased circulating leptin and cytokine levels. All of these factors have been shown to modulate Beta-cell function and survival. The influence of dyslipidemia on the Beta-cells of an individual will depend on his or her specific lipid profile. Whereas some free fatty acids and lipoproteins have been shown to be pro-apoptotic for the Beta-cell, others are protective. Thus, long-term exposure to saturated fatty acids such as palmitate (a saturated fatty acid that is found in humans, animals and plants and is a major component of palm oil) appears highly toxic, whereas monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleate protect against both palmitate- and glucose-induced Beta-Cellapoptosis. It is interesting to note that similar toxic effects are also observed in non-Beta-cells such as cardiac cells. Lipoproteins may affect Beta-Cellsurvival in a similar way, whereby VLDL and LDL are pro-apoptotic and HDL is protective.

Mitochondrial dysfunction has also been proposed as a common feature of both impaired insulin responsiveness of peripheral tissues and defective Beta-Cellsecretory function and survival.

Oxidative stress affect insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, Beta-cell survival, and also play a role in the development of the secondary complications of diabetes These effects are mainly catalyzed by the generation of reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species, which ultimately activate stress- induced pathways (transcription factor nuclear factor (NF-kB), stress kinases, and hexosamines) to manipulate cell fate.

Some in vitro studies suggest that closure of the KATP channels by the sulfonylureas tolbutamide and glibenclamide (commonly prescribed drug for type-II diabetes) may induce Ca2 + -dependent Beta-cell apoptosis in rodent and human islets. In an important recent clinical study comparing insulin and sulfonylurea treatment of type 2 diabetes, it was shown that treatment with insulin preserved Beta-cell function more effectively than glibenclamide. It remains to be established whether it is the beneficial effects of insulin or the possible Beta-cell toxicity of glibenclamide that accounts for this observation.

Summing up, High energy food, rich in carbohydrates, fats and simple sugars coupled with low activity level appear to be contributing to Insulin Resistance and Beta-cell destruction. Hyperglycaemia plays a central role among those factors contributing to both Beta-cell "burnout" and insulin resistance. While transient postprandial hyperglycaemic excursions may predominantly induce Beta-cell proliferation in insulin-resistant individuals, this adaptive mechanism fails in the long run and is overridden by Beta-cell destruction (apoptosis). In addition this, hyperglycaemia also impairs Beta-cell secretory function. This glucotoxic effect is evident before apoptosis leads to a significant decrease in Beta-cell mass. Glucotoxicity does not act alone. Saturated fatty acids, lipoproteins, leptin, and circulating and locally produced cytokines further burn out the Beta-cells and are also prominent factors in developing insulin resistance. Increasing evidence in both experimental and clinical studies suggests that oxidative stress plays a major role in the pathogenesis of both types of diabetes mellitus. Abnormally high levels of free radicals and the simultaneous decline of antioxidant defense mechanisms can lead to damage of cellular organelles and enzymes, increased lipid peroxidation, and development of insulin resistance. Studies suggest that some therapeutic agents prescribed for type-II diabetes may also negatively influence the fate of the Beta-cells. Insulin resistance causes high level of circulatory insulin due to compensatory mechanism, drugs for type-II diabetes, externally administered insulin or simply due to chronic high calorie diet even in healthy individuals. This may pose several other dangers to the health including proliferation of pre-existing Cancers, Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and is also linked to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases.


Knowing the mechanism of insulin resistance and Beta-Cell destruction, it is easy to understand how this deadly disease can be cured. As explained above diabetes is nature's way of maintaining energy and mass balance in response to the sustained high Caloric intake (mostly in the form of carb and fat) without the matching activity level for many years, resulting in metabolic changes causing insulin resistance and subsequent beta cell destruction in pancreas. The key to cure this disease is to reduce calorie intake and increase physical activity to burnout the excessive storage of body fat primarily in abdominal region. In addition to this, as oxidative stress and dyslipidemia are also major factors in developing insulin resistance and beta cell destruction, A diet comprising of antioxidants and "marine long-chain omega-3 fatty acids", EPA and DHA, will be specially useful in reverting the disease. Although less effective, those who are vegetarian may consume omega 3 fatty acids of plant origin. Some Yogic exercises are said to regenerate Beta-Cells and should be practiced if possible. The three pronged approach comprising of increasing physical activity, practicing yoga to regenerate pancreatic beta cells and restore there secretory functions and modifying the diet is explained below.

Physical Activity

To restore mass and energy balance in our body in order to help prevent or reverse insulin resistance is exercise. If high abdominal fat exist and body mass index (BMI) is high, initially more calories are required to be burnt than what is consumed so that stored fat reserves get depleted. Once the body mass index (BMI) is reached in the range of 22-23, try to maintain that weight by adjusting the exercise intensity and caloric intake.

Increase in daily activity level can be useful. Some of the ideas to increase the activity level are to use stairs instead of lift if health permits, parking car away so that small walk is needed to reach the destination and including some light sports in daily activity schedule

Brisk walk can be a safe exercise for adults of all age groups. Four km of brisk walk (2 km each in morning and evening is recommended. However, distance and speed should be increased gradually to avoid fatigue, stress and injuries. Highest speed of 6 to 6. 5 km / hr is sufficient. This will burn about 300-325 kcal per day. Once the target weight fat reduction is achieved, duration of walk can be reduced. Brisk walk will not only burn calories but will also improve cardio-vascular health.


Some asana are helpful in regenerating pancreatic beta cells. The list includes Halasan, Naukasan, ArdhNaukasan, Ardh Badh Padm Paschimottanasan, Paschimottanasan, Dhanurasan, Urdhwa Dhanurasan, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Ardhmatsyendrasana, Matsyendrasana, Mayurasana, Padm-mayurasana, Hansaasana, etc. These should be practiced according to once capacity and should be tried gradually in supervision of an expert to avoid injury.


Only exercise can not restore the energy and mass balance required for healthy living. It is required to cut the unwanted calories without cutting essential nutrients. A normal adult man doing light work needs about 2200 kcal per day and a normal adult women doing light work need at least 1900 kcal per day. The Dietary Guidelines recommends distribution for the energy nutrients from Fat: 20 – 35% of total calories (average 30%), from Protein: 10 – 35% (average 15%) and from Carbohydrates: 45 – 65% (average 55%) . Some healthy diets, like the Mediterranean Diet, promote 40% of calories from fat, but the fat must be olive oil, fish oil and nuts. Alcohol is the fourth energy-producing nutrient, and it is recommended in moderation, if at all.

Replace bad fat by good fat

Replace saturated fat such as ghee (purified butter) and butter from your diet with oils rich in monounsaturated and poly unsaturated fatty acids such as mustard, peanut, olive, sunflower or safflower oils. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and Poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may help lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease by improving related risk factors. For instance, MUFAs may lower your total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. MUFAs may also help normalize blood clotting. And some research shows that MUFAs may also benefit insulin levels and blood sugar control, which can be especially helpful if you have type-II diabetes. MUFA such as oleate also protect against both palmitate- and glucose-induced Beta-Cellapoptosis.

Use Olive Oil

The Mediterranean diet, which is abundant in antioxidants, is associated with a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease and diabetes. Olive oil and olives, which contain the antioxidants hydroxytyrosol, oleuropein, and tyrosol, are important components of this diet and may have beneficial effect in type-I and type-II diabetes by reducing oxidative stress.

The main type of fat found in all kinds of olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). MUFAs are actually considered a healthy dietary fat. Use unsaturated fats, such as MUFAs and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), instead of saturated fats and trans fats.

But even healthier fats like olive oil are high in calories, so use them only in moderation. Choose MUFA-rich fats such as olive oil instead of other fats – particularly butter and margarine – not in addition to them. And remember that you can not make unhealthy foods healthier simply by adding olive oil to them.

Remember that heat, light and air can affect the taste of olive oil and possibly its health-promoting nutrients. Store olive oil in a dark, room-temperature cupboard, or even in the refrigerator. The fats and healthy phytonutrients in olive oil – as well as the taste – can slowly degrade over time, so it's probably best to use it within a year or within six months once opened.

Never Use Trans-fats

Trans fat is the common name for unsaturated fat with trans-isomer (E-isomer) fatty acid (s). Because the term refers to the configuration of a double carbon-carbon bond, trans fats may be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated but never saturated.

No trans fats are essential fatty acids; indeed, the consumption of trans fats increases the risk of coronary heart disease by raising levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and lowering levels of "good" HDL cholesterol. Health authorities worldwide recommend that consumption of trans fat be reduced to trace amounts. Trans fats from partially hydrogenated oils are more harmful than naturally occurring oils

Consume food rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Oily fish are rich source of omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. Omega 3 fatty acids of plant origin (found in flaxseed, almonds and walnuts, The 18 carbon α-linolenic acid (ALA) has not been shown to have the same cardiovascular and anti-diabetic benefits as DHA or EPA due to conversion efficiency in mammals from ALA to DHA and EPA. DHA and EPA are made by marine microalgae. These are then consumed by fish and accumulate to high levels in their internal organs. However, it is recommended to limit the fish intake up to two serving per week for adult healthy man and to even lower level in pregnant woman and children to avoid dangers of mercury contamination found in fish.


Aspartame has been the subject of several controversies, hoaxes and health scares since its initial approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1974. Critics allege that conflicts of interest marred the FDA's approval of aspartame, question the quality of the initial research supporting its safety, and postulate that numerous health risks may be associated with aspartame. Veracity of these claims could not be verified, however, warning on its label that Aspartame is not recommended for children indicates that it is not a healthy product and may have some side effects. I therefore, recommend that aspartame or the food items containing aspartame should be better avoided.

Avoid processed and fast food

Say no to namkeens, kurkure, pop tarts, commercially prepared fish sticks, stick margarine, cake, candy, cookies, readymade or ready to cook microwave popcorns, burgers, and pizzas, as they are high in calories and often contain transfats. A 100 gm portion of a popular namkeen contains about 560 kcal whereas one hour of brisk walk will only burn about 400 kcal. Fast food meals typically possess several characteristics which have independently been linked to insulin resistance. They are energy-dense, palatable, and cheap, increasing risk of overeating and leptin resistance. They are simultaneously high in dietary fat and fructose and low in omega-3; and they usually have high glycemic indices. Consumption of fast food has been proposed as a fundamental factor behind the coronary heart diseases, diabetes and obesity.

Cut on calories from refined sugar and high simple carbohydrate food:

As a balance between calorie intake and expenditure is required to be met without cutting on essential nutrients, it is therefore recommended to replace simple carbohydrates like refined sugar, and sweet beverages with complex carbohydrates and proteins. Adequate amount of protein will ensure synthesis of adequate muscle mass due to increased level of exercise. Recommended amount of protein in grams is about 0. 5 to 0. 9 times your body weight in kg depending upon the exercise level.

Food with large amounts of complex carbohydrates include legumes, starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn, rice and grain products. Other vegetables such as green beans, broccoli and spinach contain less starch, but they have more fiber.

Complex carbohydrates should supply about half the calories in diet. However, the best complex carbohydrates come from legumes, vegetables, breads, pasta and cereals. Choose 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain brad cereal and pasta products over refined flour products because they contain more fiber. The extra fiber slows down the absorption of the carbohydrates so you feel full longer and be less likely to over-eat throughout the day.

Eat Ample Quantity of Vegetable Salad

Every meal should include plentiful of salad and it should be consumed before main course. This helps satiate your stomach and reduces chances of overeating. Salad may be dressed with olive oil. In addition to this fruit shall be consumed in moderation once a day as they often have enough oxidants and essential nutrients which are essential for overall well being. Once you are able to manage your overall calories you should not be afraid of sugar from fruit in moderate amount.

Type-II diabetes can be delayed, prevented or reversed with safe, inexpensive therapy such as losing weight, changing eating habits, and exercising. It is true that it does take a serious commitment on your part to certain lifestyle changes, but these changes are possible to achieve and the results will be extremely gratifying.


Source by Amit Kulshreshtha

Eating Gluten Free – Is Mustard OK?


Is mustard gluten free? In its raw seed form, yes, but when it is mixed into prepared mustard paste, flour, beer, or malt vinegar is sometimes added. This is a "read the label every time" products but if the ingredient list does not include flour, beer or malt vinegar, go ahead an enjoy it.

Commercial mustard comes in many forms from raw seeds to powdered mustard flour to rich creamy or oily spreads that go well with roasted meat and in sandwiches.

Mustard seeds are tiny round seeds – about 2mm or less than one eighth of an inch in diameter. The seed color ranges from almost white to black. These seeds are naturally gluten free and are vastly different in size from any gluten containing grain. When the seeds are separated from the pods and stems, a sieve with very small holes will also separate out any volunteer gluten-containing seeds. Most commercially exported mustard seed comes from Canada, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

Mustard seeds are mixed with water, vinegar, oils, and other spices and flavourings to make the spreadable prepared mustard pastes. Depending on the type of seed and the processing traditions, the final product ranges from white to bright yellow to black. The seeds may be crushed into a fine powder or left whole. Prepared mustards may be thick or quite thin.

Dry mustard, mustard flour or mustard powder is very finely ground mustard seeds. It has a flour-like texture but it does not contain wheat flour. Mustard powder is often added as an ingredient in other commercially prepared foods as a flavoring agent.

Wheat flour is sometimes added to prepared mustards to adjust the texture, taste, and cost of the product. If wheat flour is added, it must be listed on the ingredient list. Beer is occasionally added to specialty mustard, making the product not gluten free it must also be included on the label. Malt vinegar does not seem to be used in commercial prepared mustards, but it often appears in recipes for home made mustards. If so, the mustard will not be gluten free.

As a summary, mustard has a very low risk for cross contamination at planting and harvesting. A few commercial prepared mustards use flour or beer as an ingredient. Homemade prepared mustard may use beer or malt vinegar. Do not worry about mustard powder or seeds used as an ingredient in other condiments like mayonnaise or salad dressing.


Source by Sue Newell

The Ayurvedic Approach to Breast Health


T he Ayurvedic Approach to Breast Health

Like all tissues and organs in the human body, the female breasts are multidimensional in function. Their most recognized function is as exocrine glands, producing breast milk for the newborn, a function common to all mammalian species. Given the multidimensional functions of the breasts, a discussion of breast health approaches could be complex. Therefore, in this article we will limit our discussion to what women can do from the Ayurvedic perspective to reduce their chances of developing the most dangerous of breast diseases: breast cancer.

First let's briefly review some simple breast anatomy. Mammary glands are basically highly modified and specialized sebaceous glands which derive from embryonic ectoderm. The adult breast consists of glandular tissue, adipose tissue (fat cells), nerves, blood vessels and lymphatics. Anatomically it overlies the pectoralis major muscle and is anchored to the pectoralis fascia by suspensory ligaments known as Cooper's ligaments (not shown). The breast contains about 15 to 25 lobes formed by groups of "milk glands", or lobules. Each lobule is composed of hollow milk producing acini (also called alveoli), and feeds into a milk duct leading to the nipples. The ducts converge near the areola, the darker area round the nipple, to form ampullae or milk storage cavities. Around the areola are small glands known as Montgomery's glands which secrete an oily substance that protects the nipples during nursing. Lymph nodes within the breast drain into the axillary lymph nodes in the armpit-the first place to which breast cancer will typically metastasize.

What Is Breast Cancer? The Western View

Cancer is fundamentally a disease of failure of regulation of tissue growth. In order for a normal cell to transform into a cancer cell, the genes which regulate cell growth and differentiation must be altered. A gene is a specific sequence of DNA at a specific location within a specific chromosome. Only 5-10% of breast cancers are inherited; the vast majority is due to sporadic, acquired mutations.

The affected genes are divided into two broad categories. Oncogenes are genes which promote cell growth and reproduction. Tumor suppressor genes are genes which inhibit cell division and survival. Malignant transformation can occur through the formation of abnormal oncogenes, the inappropriate over-expression of normal oncogenes, or by the under-expression or complete arrest of tumor suppressor genes. Typically, changes in many genes are required to transform a normal cell into a cancer cell.

Large-scale mutations involve a deletion or gain of a portion of a chromosome. Gene amplification occurs when a cell gains many copies (often 20 or more) of a small chromosomal locus, usually containing one or more oncogenes and adjacent genetic material. Translocation occurs when two separate chromosomal regions become abnormally fused, often at a distinct location. Disruption of a single gene may also result from integration of genomic material from a DNA virus or retrovirus, and resulting in the expression of viral oncogenes in the affected cell and its descendants, but this is not the case in breast cancer.

The transformation of normal breast cells into cancer is akin to a chain reaction caused by initial errors, which compound into more severe errors, each progressively allowing the cell to escape the controls that limit normal tissue growth. This renegade-like scenario causes an undesirable survival of the fittest, where the natural forces of evolution become distorted and work against the body's design and harmonious order. If the rate of DNA damage exceeds the capacity of the cell to repair it, the accumulation of errors can overwhelm the cell and result in early senescence, apoptosis, or cancer. Once cancer has begun to develop, it uses the body's own design to serve its own destructive and invasive purposes.

What Is Breast Cancer? The Ayurvedic View

The female breasts are predominantly Kapha organs, having a fatty nature and producing milk, a Kapha fluid. Breast cancer is a tridoshic (involving all three doshas) disorder of breast tissue. Causes are both hereditary and acquired; the acquired causes being physical, emotional, spiritual, and environmental. Breast cancer is ultimately caused by blockage and flow irregularities at both the gross and imperceptibly subtle levels of several srotamsi (channel systems).

Dietary and other physical factors can help to cause breast cancer, or to trigger the disease in one who already has the hereditary tendency. Breast cancer, like any malignant or degenerative disease, may be the result of prolonged wrong diet, wrong lifestyle, or prajnaparadha (mistake of the intellect). Wrong regimen leads first to accumulation of doshas, ​​then in time to acute illnesses. If those illnesses are treated improperly, that is, if the excess doshas (the three body humors) are not expelled and ama (toxins) is not purified, then the imbalance is driven deeper, resulting in chronic complaints. If these chronic complaints in turn go untreated or are treated by suppressive methods without expelling doshas or cleansing ama, then the excess doshas will localize in the most toxic or most vulnerable tissue, in this case breast tissue, to create sannipatika gulma, a malignant tumor .

Cancer in Äyurveda is not seen as a discrete disease, but a milestone on the continuum of doshic aggravation, ama (toxic waste) accumulation, and srotodushti (channel blockage). A pernicious energy gains access to the individual through the diet, the emotions, the environment, or even the karmic-influenced internal momentum of one's life. Although modern medicine has disproven any appreciable connection between fibrocystic breasts or fibroadenoma to breast cancer, Ayurveda considers both of these benign conditions to be stages in the breast cancer samprapti. Cancer is a deepening pattern of internal disconnection from the body-mind's greater intelligence which eventually begins to exhibit its own warped purpose, momentum, and direction.

Importance of Srotamsi (Channels of Circulation) in Breast Cancer

The entire fifth chapter of the Vimanasthana Section of the Charaka Samhita is devoted to the detailed description of the srotamsi and their importance in health and disease. The body and mind contains a large number of srotas or channels through which the basic tissue elements, doshas, ​​and malas circulate. These channels are called srotas (plural srotamsi). Srotas, meaning channels or pores, are present throughout the visible body as well as at the "invisible" or subtle level of the cells, molecules, atoms, and subatomic strata. It is through these channels that nutrients and other substances are transported in and out of our physiology. It is also through these channels that information and intelligence spontaneously flow. When the flow of appropriate nutrients and energies through these channels is unimpeded, there is health; when there is excess, deficiency, or blockage in these channels disease can take root.

The channels are, to a certain extent, similar to the different physiological systems of Western medicine (eg arteries, veins, nerves, digestive tract, etc.) but also contain subtler energies comparable to the meridian system of Chinese medicine.

The movements of energy in all srotamsi are directly influenced by stimuli that arise in the mind, which are conveyed by the Vata energy. Hence mental disturbances, both conscious and unconscious, can cause disorders in any of the channels.

Excessive or deficient mental activity can cause excess or deficient flow in the channels of the body. Emotional outbursts or lack of mental control have effects that are analogous to surges in the channels of the physical body and can produce such conditions as in strokes, heart attacks, hyperventilation, tremors, etc.

Stanya vaha srota, which consists of the milk-producing apocrine cells of the lobules, the related pituitary hormones (ie prolactin), the ducts, ampullae, and nipple, is the main srota involved in breast cancer.

Artava vaha srotas, which consists of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, their hormones (ie estrogen, progesterone), secretions and connective tissues and related pituitary hormones (ie FSH, LH) all belong to artava vaha srotas – the channels carrying out female reproductive functions. The breasts are also included in this system.

Each lunar cycle between menarche and menopause, the proliferation of epithelial cells lining the breast's lobular acini (increasing from one to two layers) occurs during the luteal phase. The breast epithelium, unlike the endometrium of the uterus, can not be shed at the end of the cycle; regression at the end of the cycle is by apoptosis (self-programmed cell death). The apoptotic residue (ama) is plentiful within the lumens toward the late luteal phase of the cycle. Efficient removal of this material is essential for the breast tissue to remain healthy and vital.

Samprapti (Pathogenesis)

Due to uncorrected exposure for a sufficient period of time to nidanas – internal and external causes of doshic vitiation – (a few common examples described below), the doshas can become aggravated and begin a sequence of pathological steps culminating in the creation of a disease state. The term "samprapti" (from the root "Ap" to cause, arrive, reach or obtain; "sam" conjunction, union, intensity, completeness) refers to this sequence of doshic-related pathology triggered by one or more nidanas (causes) . Let us consider a brief explanation of this sequence.

First, one or more doshas begins to accumulate somewhere in the body and soon becomes vitiated (aggravated). Next, the aggravated dosha spills over and begins to spread. In the case of breast cancer, it may enter the stanya vaha srota or another associated srota. When it reaches a vulnerable or somewhat weakened area or organ of the body, it will stagnate there and begin to mix with and disturb the structure and function of the local tissues including sometimes cellular DNA. The tissues of the body, when spoken of in their healthy state are of course called the dhatus; however when we speak of these same tissues with regard to their mixing with vitiated doshas, ​​we always refer to the tissues as dushyas.

This dosha-dusyas sammurcchana is the actual disease process (sammurcchana means "interaction"). The interaction of the doshas and dushyas, together with the specific effect from the site or organ involved (adhisthana) leads to the development first of specific prodromal features, and then of the main symptoms, of a disease. Involvement of primarily Kapha might result in a fibrocystic breast condition; predominantly Kapha-Vata vitiation might lead eventually to fibroadenoma; Pitta-Vata can be associated with mastitis and other inflammatory states; Tridoshic vitiation can ultimately produce cancer. Left untreated the disease will evolve its unique set of complications and can reach a stage where it is no longer curable by any means.

Ayurvedic Prevention and Treatment Approach

The essence of the Ayurvedic approach is beautifully summed up in one of its well-known statements, "Avert the danger from illness before it arrives". This terse directive emphasizes the importance of correcting imbalances while still in their earliest stages and hence very remediable. Ayurveda accomplishes this goal through health programs uniquely tailored to the idiosyncratic characteristics of each individual. It celebrates our individual uniqueness while recognizing our universal Oneness. It is through our uniquely developed human consciousness, which among other capacities, affords us the enormous power of choice, that we can influence our health. The positive and negative health effects of those choices have been understood by Ayurvedic sages for thousands of years.

It must be stated at the outset of this section that, based on current level of available Ayurvedic knowledge, Ayurveda has no place as a primary treatment for any form of breast cancer. Ayurvedic treatment for breast cancer are useful as complementary therapy in order reduce side effects and sometimes bring about a more comprehensive response to conventional treatment. Ayurvedic medicines main strength is as a strategy to prevent the initial disease or its recurrence and to prolong survival.

That being said, current research is advancing towards a rational use of Ayurveda as a primary intervention. Specifically, the methanolic leaf extract of Ashwagandha leaf (Withania somnifera) was demonstrated to restore normal p53 function in tumor cells bearing mutated copies. p53 is a tumor suppressor protein which causes either the complete destruction of cells which have irreparably damaged and abnormal DNA or to temporarily arrest cell replication so that the DNA repair mechanisms can repair the damage. Once repaired p53 then allows the cell to duplicate. How p53 chooses cell destruction or arrest is unknown; it is commonly called the "guardian angel" of the cell.

It should be noted that today all breast cancer patients should be under the regular care and supervision of a medical oncologist.

Practical Choices That Matter

The Ayurvedic approach to breast health centers on diet, detoxification, lifestyle and exercise, mental health, environment and herbal preparations. Additionally, both ancient and current Ayurvedic physicians also emphasize early detection. Self examination of breasts, regular breast examinations by health care professionals and mammograms if clinically warranted are the methods.


One of Ayurveda's great recognitions is that the body and mind naturally proceed in the direction of balance and, in fact, are designed to achieve and maintain balance and vibrant health. The systems and organs that make possible this remarkable state of physical and mental well-being, and the intelligence which directs them all, exist in all of us from birth. Cancerous changes show that, despite this inherent healthy tendency, there is an imbalance of the tri-dosha with toxins. Food is the foundation of the tissue formation process and health itself. Here are some of the more important Ayurvedic recommendations.

i. First and foremost, choose foods according to either your constitutional type or your primary doshic imbalance, if known. This will help match your diet to your agni (digestive fire). Your physician may alternatively instruct you to eat according to the seasons if you are already in a balanced state of health. Eat organic foods whenever possible.

ii. Construct a diet which reduces ama formation. A predominantly vegetarian diet of foods that are light, warm, and cooked will do this. Freshly prepared dals and soups, organic vegetables prepared with fresh spices, whole grains such as basmati rice, barley, and amaranth, and freshly made flat-breads are ideal.

iii. Include organic cooked prunes, figs, apples, pears, pineapple, papaya, and cooked leafy greens, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage (cruciferous vegetables) in your diet. These foods provide fiber, antioxidants, and detoxifying effects.There is also a burgeoning body of evidence that curcumin, a component of turmeric, has breast cancer protective effects.

iv. Avoid foods that create body ama, including leftovers; packaged, canned, and frozen foods; foods grown with chemicals, GMO's, pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

v. Restrict the intake of alcoholic beverages of all kinds.

vi. Visceral (abdominal) adiposity contributes to the risk for estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer in premenopausal women.


As discussed above, ama-along with agni and the srotamsi – has tremendous importance in the manifestation of breast cancer. Ama is principally the result of the initial ahara rasa (nutrient juices) not being completely digested in the amashaya (small intestines) due to abnormal jatharagni. Ama then enters the srotamsi where it causes srotodushti (pathology of the srota) leading to srotorodha (obstruction). This results in an abnormal or arrested flow of doshas, ​​nutrients and wastes.

The doshas thus retained can extravasate out of the srota and penetrate the surrounding dhatus (now called dushyas). The site where this interaction occurs (dosha-dushya sammurcchana) is the site where disease is initiated. If the impairment to the srotas can be prevented or reversed, disease will be averted.

In Ayurveda breast cancer primarily involves the channels of the female breasts and of the reproductive system and are called the Stanya Vaha Srotas and Artava Vaha Srotas, respectively. They include all the reproductive tissue, breasts, hormones and all secretions including breast milk. Keeping these channels clear of ama and all toxins is essential. The Mano Vaha Srotas, channels of the mind, are also involved. Proper diet, lifestyle, exercise, emotional health and select Ayurvedic herbs all help however a regular comprehensive detoxification procedure is also advised. It forms the foundation of preventive health in the Ayurvedic view and is often an important part of the treatment protocol for diseases which have already occurred.

Vulnerable Breasts on a Chemical Planet

Besides the assault from endogenous toxins (ama), exogenous toxins also have a grave effect on breast health. As a consequence of decades of uncontrolled environmental pollution with persistent organic pollutants (POP's), the contamination of human milk has become widespread. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDT and its metabolites, dioxins, dibenzofurans, phthalates, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and heavy metals are among the toxic chemicals most often found in breast milk. Whether she is pregnant or not, these and many other chemical pose a tremendous risk to the female breast. This is because POP's are fat-soluble "lipophilic" (ie affinity for fat) chemicals which undergo bio-accumulation and concentration over time in the breast fatty tissue. The positive news is that POP's can be significantly removed from their sites of accumulation through regular periods of panchakarma detoxification therapies.

Ayurveda states in the Ashtanga Hridayam Sutrasthanam IV / 25-26:

"Exhaustive effort should be made to radically expel the malas (doshas and metabolic wastes) at the right times. Uncorrected accumulation will verily result in aggravation and cut short life itself." "Doshas which are subdued by langhana and pachana therapies can inevitably become re-aggravated, but those which are radically expelled by samshodhana (purification) therapies will not become deranged again." (Italics added)

Lifestyle and Exercise: Balancing the Doshas

Scientific evidence suggests about 30% of all 572,000 cancer deaths (39,500 due to breast cancer) expected in 2011 will be related to being obese or overweight, inadequate physical inactivity or errors in nutrition and thus are preventable.

It is clear that only about 30-40% of all breast cancer cases can be traced to identifiable genes or a familial tendency. Of those, 5 to 10 percent of women have inherited defective breast cancer genes, the most common being BRCA1 or BRCA2. The remainder have forms of breast cancers in their families that involve several genes.

That leaves 60-70% caused by unknown factors. Some are environmental – toxins we breathe, drink, touch or are exposed to in some way. The biggest risk factors are simply being a woman (<1 percent breast cancers occur in men) and getting older (risk increases after age 50). We can not change that, but we can change our lifestyles. The best recommendations are these six:

-Avoid Hormone replacement therapy -Improve your diet -Exercise regularly -Follow good detection strategies -Maintain good body weight -Consume less or no alcohol

Mental Health

The state of one's mental health is a direct reflection of how we think, feel and act as we face different life experiences. Our mental health determines how we handle emotional stress, relate to others and make choices. It is the emotional and spiritual resilience (atati shakti) which enables us to achieve happiness and to survive pain, sorrow and disappointment. Normal mental health instinctively creates an underlying belief in one's self-worth, and in the dignity and worth of other human beings and all life forms. Psycho-social-spiritual stress can play a role in breast health. To refresh the mind Ayurveda suggests the classical mental balancing and rejuvenation techniques described in Patanjali's system of Raja Yoga. Because there are eight aspects in the Raja Yoga path to enlightenment, it is also known as Ashtanga Yoga (eight-limbed). Patanjali's Yoga Sutras begins with the statement yoga cittavritti nirodhah (I / 2), "Yoga is for the restraint of the activities of the mind". They proceed to describe the ways in which mind can create false ideas and understandings, and details the eight steps that can taken to escape from the unreal.

Meditation techniques have been shown in numerous research studies to positively influence the physiology. The regular practice of yoga postures (asanas), breath control techniques (pranayama), and dhyana (meditation) is the most effective way to relieve anxiety, depression and emotional stress, according to Ayurvedic tradition. Although the mechanism by which meditation helps re-establish mental health is not clear, we do know that these techniques provide periods of profound sensory and cognitive rest. The regular dissociation of the senses from their sense objects and the withdrawal of the attention within appears to release deep-rooted stresses that have lodged in the structure, chemistry and energetic matrix of the mind-body.

Herbal Medicine s

Ayurvedic herbal medicine regimens are not conceived using the model of a specific drug to neutralize or suppress a specific symptom or disease (allopathic model). In fact, successful treatment depends on rational and logical actions of a mixture of plant substances coupled with the incomprehensible healing intelligence of Nature. The intention of herbal treatment, like all forms of Ayurvedic therapies, is to up-regulate the innate healing capacity of the human being. Herbal treatment may be categorized according to the following scheme which forms a sequence for the prevention of any disease including breast cancer and also for the treatment of many diseases.

1. Separation of Dosha and Dushya (Sammurcchana Bhanga)

2. Autodigestion of Ama (Ama pacana)

3. Clearing of the Srotasmi (Shroto Vishodhana)

4. Optimization of Agni (Dipanagni)

5. Strengthening of Immunity (Vyadhi Kshamatva)

Separation of Dosha and Dushya (Sammurcchana Bhanga )

The initial action which must be taken in the treatment of disease is the separation of the vitiated dosha from the dushya. Since many on the subsequent steps in treating disease are strong measures aimed at the doshas, ​​if separation of the healthy tissue is not achieved first, these treatments can and will harm the tissues and the associated srotas and vital organs. The degraded dosha and the affected tissue or organ becomes joined together like the milk fats and ghee are joined together in milk. And just as we heat the milk in order to separate the ghee from the milk fats, the herbal substances which accomplish the separation of dosha from dushya (a process called sammurchana bhanga) have the following gunas: hot (ushna), sharp (tikshna) , penetrating (sukshma), rapid onset (vyavam), purifying (punanam), destructive (nashita), and separating (viyujate).

The following herbal and herbomineral medicines have the action of separating dosha and dushya. This list is by no means complete. Please note that many of these medicines can be toxic and cause

adverse reactions. They should therefore only be given for short courses and only under expert supervision.

Terminalia Arjuna

Trailokya Rasa Chintamani

Datura metal Boswellia serrata

Aconitum ferox Tamra Bhasma

Strychnos nux vomica Heerak Bhasma

Semicarpus anacardium Holarrhena antidysenterica

Abhrak Bhasma Embelia ribes

Autodigestion of Ama (Ama pacana)

The operative principle behind the reversal and removal of ama is to temporarily stop providing nutrition to those parts of the body which we wish to purge of ama. In clinical application, this is achieved most readily, not with herbal medicines, but rather through fasting. Fasting is advocated as a bona fide approach for the removal of ama when found to be present or to prevent its formation. Like any other therapy, it is prescribed and supervised by an experienced physician.

During the fasting period, no new nutritive substances are available to the digestive system. Therefore the jathara agni and various dhatvagnis are utilized for the digestion of the accumulated ama. The fasting period can be as short as one or two days, or may extend for up to two weeks under medical supervision. There are several herbs and formulations which have been found to be effective in supporting and augmenting ama pacana:

Zingiber officinalis, Terminalia chebula, Tinospora cordifolia, Terminalia bellerica, Berberis aristata, Coriandrum sativum, Piper longum, Alpinia galangal.

Clearing of the Srotasmi (Shroto Vishodhana)

Whereas ama pacana is effective in transforming and liquefying the waste materials in the tissues,

the process known as shroto vishodhana draws these substances out of the tissues and into the appropriate channels of elimination (ie Stanya Vaha Srota). In addition, this process initiates movement in the proper direction in the srotasmi for the expulsion of the wastes. This stage requires that no matter what the primary doshic imbalance may be (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha), the Vata dosha needs to be in a balanced state. Thus is because Vata dosha is what creates movement of the wastes. A balanced Vata dosha moves the wastes in the proper and natural direction.

Medicines which act on the rasa, rakta, mamsa, meda, and sukra dhatus and their corresponding srotas are used in promoting breast health. These medicines will promote the elimination of doshas from the tissues without harming the tissues and include:

Holharrhina antidysentrica, Cissampelos pareira, Tricosanthe dioica, Cyperus rotundus, Picrorrhiza kurroa, Azadirachta indica, Hemidesmus indicus, Triphala, Piper nigrum, Acorus calamus, Curcuma longa, Aegle marmelos.

In addition to these herbal medicines, anuvasana bastis (oil-based enemata) or often administered during this phase to promote the proper flow of Vata dosha in the srotas. Also there are specialized techniques of breast massage which are performed with specific oils (ie Narayana, Vishagarbha, Chandanbala Laxadi) and can be taught to patient to perform at home.

Optimization of Agni (Dipanagni)

There is not a single biological process occurring within our bodies and mind which does not depend on agni. Our intelligence, awareness, energy, appearance, perception, immunity, and life itself is kindled by its power. There are thirteen forms of agni as we have outlined earlier. The most important is jathara agni – which presides over and creates all the others. Any disturbance in jathara agni will result in incomplete and improper digestion and the formation of ama. Some of the herbal medicines which help to stimulate and balance the jatharagni and, indirectly, all the agnis of the body are as follows:

Gingiber officinalis

Piper longum

Piper nigrum

Cayenne pepper

Plumbago zeylanica

Strengthening of Immunity (Vyadhi Kshamatva)

The capacity to resist disease depends prominently on a substance known as ojas. Ojas is formed from the best and purest parts of each of the seven bodily dhatus; it is said to be the quintessence of human tissue metabolism. Like bees make honey by gathering the essence of several species of flowers, ojas is formed from the saptadhatus. There are certain plant-medicines which increase ojas and are therefore called jÄ «vanÄ« ya gana aushadhi, medicines which sustain Life. Some of these include:

Withania somnifera, Curculigo orchiodes, Asparagus racemosus Phaseolus trilobus Hemidesmus indicus Ocimum sanctum Tinospora cordifolia Eclipta alba Emblica officinalis Shilajitu

Glycerrhiza glabra Terminalia chebula

In addition, medicines like Triphala Guggulu, Kanchnaar Guggulu, Arogyavardhini, Maha-manjishthadi kwath, Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) as well as the two most renowned Ayurvedic compound preparations Triphala and Chywanprash are used on a long term basis to prevent recurrence.

Medicines like Medhohar-Guggulu, Chandraprabha-Vati, and Trivang-Bhasma are also used according to the presentation of symptoms.

To prevent or reduce side effects from chemotherapy and radiation therapy, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Kamadudha, Shankhbhasma vati, Laghu sutshekhar vati and Shunthi (Zinziber officinale) can be used.

Patwardhan and Gautum5 summarize the results of preclinical studies on the cytoprotective potential of W. somnifera and its constituents. They include reports on the inhibition of breast and colon cancer cell lines compared to doxorubicin after the administration of withaferin A and an increase in the response to radio-resistant tumors when radiotherapy is combined with withaferin A treatment, among others studies.

Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal rasayana formula consisting of equal parts of three myrobalan fruits: Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). Rasayana preparations are adaptogens and can be taken for life without fear of side effects. Triphala was recently found to dose-dependently induce apoptosis in human breast cell cancer lines (MCF-7) and mouse thymic lymphoma (barcl-95). Treatment did not affect neither normal human breast epithelial and peripheral blood mononuclear cells nor mouse liver and spleen cells. Direct oral feeding of triphala to mice (40 mg / kg for 13 days) resulted in significantly (P <0.05) reduced tumor growth and more than three times higher levels of apoptosis in excised tumor tissue. According to the researchers, increases in intracellular reactive oxygen species appeared to be involved with induced cytotoxicity, supporting the hypothesis that the antioxidant effect of triphala fruits is at least partly responsible for this anticancer activity (Sandhya et al.) 6.


Oxygen radicals are continuously generated within our cells. This is a result of normal breathing which creates something called hydroxyl radicals. These molecules damage your DNA, producing the mutations that initiate and sustain health issues later on. Studies suggest that a diet that is rich in antioxidants may help to support breast health. This has led to the current nutritional recommendation that we all should consume at least five portions of fruits or vegetables each day.

Chyawanprash is significantly more powerful than other single antioxidant; it is up to 1,000 times more effective per dose than comparable amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin E in scavenging free radicals and preventing damage to the body. It provides full-spectrum, super-antioxidant power. Traditional literature states that Chywanprash improves cardiovascular and neurological functioning, reduces toxicity of the dhatus, improves immunity, balances emotions, and improves mental clarity.


All matter is energy vibrating at different rates. The fundamental state of the universe contains all possible forms of undifferentiated matter (ie energy) vibrating in coherent harmony. Human beings, because we are a part of the natural universe, also have a fundamental vibration that harmonizes with the rest of the creation. Illness, including cancer, is a manifestation of disharmony which arises in the individual's core vibration due to stress, environmental changes, emotional distress, physical injury, dietary indiscretion, or an infinite number of physical, mental, or spiritual factors. Healing is therefore initiated by restoring the normal vibratory state to the individual as a whole and to the vulnerable or diseased body part. The Ayurvedic therapies mentioned in this paper are not the only methods available from this comprehensive science, but will help us begin to understand how our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters can keep their bodies free from toxins and impurities and their immunity high even in modern times and thus avert the scourge of breast cancer.


Source by Scott Gerson

Phase Change Materials – Eutectic Thermal Energy Storage Products


Ice Thermal Energy Storage (TES) has the advantage of universal availability, low cost and transport ability through other system components. However, a conventional ice TES system for air conditioning application requires low temperature chillers and therefore standard water chillers must be replaced with low temperature glycol chillers which operate with a lower evaporation temperature and consume more power.

If we can offer designers an ice which freezes and melts above or below 0 ° C (32 ° F) these new products will open new horizons for environmentally friendly and economical systems for both New and Retrofit type process cooling / heating load shifting applications.

Phase Change Material (PCM) Eutectic solutions are mixtures of two or more chemicals which, when mixed in a particular ratio, have a freezing / melting point below or above water freezing temperature of 0 ° C (32 ° F) and they offer a thermal energy storage facility between -114 ° C (-173 ° F) and +164 ° C (327 ° F).

Eutectics are well-known and in fact early applications date back to the late 18th century however the separation and the life expectancy of these mixtures were unpredictable and therefore their wide spread usage was limited.

The disadvantages of a conventional HVAC chiller and ice (water ice) storage system can be overcome by utilising the latent heat capacity of various "Eutectic" mixtures without the need for minus circulation temperatures.

Phase Change Material (PCM) thermal energy storage not only enables the designer to utilise existing chiller technology but also enables charging by means of free cooling, ie without running the chillers

Although the term "Eutectic" is widely used to describe the materials we are interested in, a better description would be "Phase Change Materials" ( "PCMs"). Unfortunately, very few of the documented PCM solutions are true Eutectics and so many have to be modified to obtain a material suitable for long term use.

PCMs can be broadly grouped into two categories; "Organic Compounds" and "Salt-based Products". The fundamental requirement for a modified Eutectic (PCM) Solution can be classified in three categories, namely stable solution (no separation or degrading), minimum supercooling / heating and finally close freezing and melting temperatures.

There are three fundamental additives commonly used to modify hydrated salt based Eutectic PCM solutions. These three components are firstly Nucleating Agent which encourages Crystal formation and therefore minimizes super cooling and the secondly additive is Freeze Depressant to achieve a lower phase change temperature and thirdly Gelling / Thickening Agent in order to overcome separation and degrading problems.

Once the above components have been carefully applied, a satisfactory Eutectic PCM Solution can be produced from the physical and thermodynamic point of views and commercially available solutions offer a range of -114 ° C (-173 ° F) and +164 ° C (327 ° F).

However, majority of suitable PCM solutions for HVAC and refrigeration systems are corrosive to commonly used pipe and line components and therefore suitable encapsulation techniques must be applied to overcome this problem while providing the best thermal performance. Various encapsulation techniques such as tube, flat container or alternatively ball concepts have been developed whereby the PCM solutions are encapsulated in plastic and / or metal shell.

The heat transfer between the surrounding media, which flows around or inside the unit and the surrounding PCM solutions, takes place from the outer or inner or the combination of both surfaces of the encapsulated PCM unit. These techniques are generally eliminates the contamination risk and offers an efficient, cost effective, practical and flexible new type of TES designs.

Modern society's reliance on refrigeration and air conditioning indicates that refrigeration and the associated environmental issues will be with us for a considerable time and therefore one has to utilize existing and available alternative technologies with minimum usage of energy.

A Positive Temperature Eutectic Phase Change Material (PCM) Thermal Energy Storage (TES) not only provides the end user with an Environmentally Friendly design but also the following additional benefits can be obtained:

o Reduced Equipment Size
o Capital Cost Saving
o Energy Cost Saving
o Environmentally Friendly Installation
o Improved System Operation
o Flexibility for the Future Capacities

The temperature ranges offered by the proposed PCM solutions utilize conventional chilled water temperature ranges for both the charging and discharging sides of the system. Hence, they can be applied to any new or retrofit application with minimal technical and economical impacts.

Furthermore, the possibility of Free Cooling Cycle, Absorption Chillers, Co-Generation, Solar, Hot Water and Heat Recovery TES system combinations offer new horizons for designers to control the energy balance to match the load and electricity demand / consumption of the system as a whole.

The task for designers is to explore all available technologies towards achieving improved efficiency regardless of which refrigerant is used, and apply where and when possible diversification technologies in order to minimize the overall CO2 emission related to energy usage. Carefully balanced Eutectic A, City Phase Change Material (PCM) Thermal Energy Storage (TES) may be the answer for some of the cooling applications for an Environmentally Friendly and Economical alternative.


Source by Zafer Ure

Raw Hide Bones Versus Pork Hide Bones, Which Is Better?


You're thinking to yourself, "I'm bringing home my new puppy". If you want the best for him / her, you will learn what you can about raising a dog in a positive way.

Your dog is part of your pack. It is important that they are a part of your everyday family life. Do not ever leave dogs alone in the back yard or anywhere for days on end. They will get bored and lonely, just like you would. That is when dogs bark and dig. It's not the dog's fault, it's the owners fault when that happens. It is important to include them as family members. Dogs will be the most loyal companion you will ever know, especially when you take care of them in a loving way.

Pet parents love to give their dogs treats. It's part of the joy of owning a dog. You get to bond with your pampered puppy many different ways. One of the most fun ways is giving your loved dog treats. It brings great pleasure not only to your dog, but to you as well.

Since you want your dog to live the longest, healthiest life possible, it is vital to be aware of how important nutrition is. Reading and understanding labels on pet food and products is critical to the well being of your pampered puppy.

Dog's natural tendency is to chew. Pulling meat apart is their nature. It cleans their teeth and keeps their gums healthy. Picture wolves in the wild. They pull meat off of a carcass when they eat. That is why giving your pampered puppy things that they can tear apart with their teeth will save you frustration and a lot of money when they do not ruin your shoes, or a couch leg by chewing them.

Puppies need to chew a lot. So keeping things available to keep them engaged will make you and your precious puppy happier.

People have asked themselves, "Raw Hide Bones Versus Pork Hide Bones, which is better?" There can be so much confusion over the healthier choice. Rawhide and Porkhide Bones are made from the same part of the animal, there is no difference there. The processing is much the same. Both are used for cleaning the teeth and healthier gums. So what is the big difference?

Rawhide Bones are known to choke dogs. That is every pet parent's worse nightmare! Many people say to stay away from Rawhide Bones because they can be dangerous and cause choking. Rawhide is very stiff. If your dog swallows a piece of Rawhide, it can get lodged in their throat. This can lead to your dog gagging, vomiting, diarrhea and fever with signs of pain. In worse case scenarios, dogs have had to undergo painful and expensive surgery to remove the blockage.

Sometimes it is recommended to wash our hands after handling Rawhide Bones with soap and water to avoid contamination! I do not want to feed any of my pets, products where I am told to wash my hands after handling … how safe can those products be for your loved pet to eat?

Porkhide Bones are known to be more fattening than Rawhide Bones. Pet parent's who have an overweight dog need to be aware of the calorie content. If it is a known fact that your dog is allergic to pork, you would not want to feed Porkhide. Porkhide has been shown to be consistently free of salmonella during out breaks when Rawhide was tainted.

When there are added ingredients added to Porkhide or Rawhide treats, you have to ask yourself why are ingredients like sugar and salt added? Is there a specific nutritional value by adding those ingredients? You want to have confidence that no ingredients are added unless they have specific health benefits in whatever you feed your precious puppy or any loved pet.

Would you have peace of mind feeding your precious puppies pork treats that are healthy, with no unnecessary added ingredients, from a manufacturer with the strictest safety standards in the industry, which has resulted in never having anything recalled.

A report <br> free For, to learn insider secrets of the pet food and products industry to go The Http://www.tracyrobinson.net/ .


Source by M. Tracy Robinson